Moundsville Middle School


Student Handbook

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be a Trojan!


Moundsville Middle School Administration

Ryan Finley, Principal

Jason Willis, Assistant Principal

Jaime Pettit, Athletic Director


Office Staff

Leanne Dobbs, School Secretary

Carla Hubbs, Attendance Secretary

Andy Gibson, School Resource Officer


Student Support Services

Abby Aston, School Counselor

Tammy Riding, School Nurse

Trista Parsons, Communities in School Site Coordinator

Daniel Millhouse, School-based Mental Health Coordinator


Phone: 304-843-4440

Fax: 304-843-4446

Marshall County Schools


Board of Education


John Miller, President

Christie Robison, Vice President

Brenda Coffield

Lori Kestner

Duane Miller



Marshall County Schools Administration


Dr. Shelby Haines, Superintendent

Karen Klamut, Assistant Superintendent - Curriculum and Instruction and Title IX Decision-Maker

David Soltesz, Director of Personnel and Title IX Coordinator

Jody Korn, Director of Transportation

Tracy Mercer, Coordinator of Attendance

Erin Cuffaro, Director of Special Programs

Casey Storm, Director of Student Services and Federal Programs


Mission Statement


Marshall County Schools will provide a safe, supportive, and high-quality learning environment that fosters intellectual, emotional, and social growth, empowering all to become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners in a continuously changing and competitive world.


Moundsville Middle School Information



  • Buses drop off and pick up in front of the school.
  • Walkers enter and exit the front of the school.
  • Parents drop off and pick up behind the school.
  • Students riding bicycles enter and exit in the back of the school.



All students living greater than two miles from their assigned school or nearest bus route are eligible for school transportation services. Transportation services are not recommended on streets, roadways, or private property developments which are not maintained by the West Virginia Department of Highways or a public municipality, or a private property development that law enforcement agencies may not respond to an accident, or anywhere visibility, sight distances, or adequate space to maneuver the bus may be in question. It shall be the responsibility of the county board to develop a policy to address these issues and to determine if these conditions exist prior to establishing a bus route.



Moundsville Middle School is a PBIS Model School for the State of West Virginia for the second straight year.  Our school wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports system is a framework for creating a safe and orderly learning environment in our school to improve academic and social-emotional outcomes for students.



Fire drills, evacuations, and lock-down procedures are posted in classrooms and practiced to help ensure students remain safe in various emergency situations.



You may visit our school web site ( or login to LiveGrades ( to email any of our staff members if you have a concern with your child’s behavior or academic performance.  Also, the ParentLink automated phone calling system will be used to share important information about school delays/cancellations and activities/events at school. Additional information about the school can be found on our Facebook page.



Parent Teacher Conferences are welcome and can be scheduled to discuss concerns. Saturday School and After School Support on Tuesdays and Thursdays are also available by appointment.



A = 90 to 100

B = 80 to 89

C = 70 to 79

D = 60 to 69

F = 59 or less

I = Incomplete - Course work converts to an F if not completed within the prescribed timeframe.



The goal of this exam exemption policy is to encourage good attendance, good behavior, and good grades. Exam exemption is an all-or-nothing policy. In other words, a student will either qualify for exemption, which exempts the student from all exams, or they will take every exam.

Students who wish to obtain exam exemption status at the conclusion of each semester must meet the following criteria:


  • Students must have a GPA of 2.75 or greater
  • Students must be passing every course with at least a D. An F in any course means that a student will take exams for all courses.


  • A student who receives ISS or OSS will be disqualified from exam exemption. There will be no opportunity for students to recover their exemption status through Saturday School.
  • Lunch detention does not disqualify a student from exam exemption. However, continued rule breaking will lead to progressive discipline. This means that breaking the same rule over and over will eventually lead to ISS or OSS, and disqualification from exam exemption.


  • Students can miss no more than 4.5 days of school to be considered for exemption. Half days are counted in this total. This means 4.5 days absent or fewer. If a student misses five days, or more, the student is no longer exempt.
  • All absences, excused or unexcused, are considered in the total. This policy differs from the county attendance policy. A doctor’s excuse will count as an excused absence for the county attendance policy. An absence with a doctor’s excuse, however, will count towards one of the 4.5 days a student can miss for exemption status. Therefore, if a student misses more than 4.5 days, even with doctor’s excuses, they will not be exam exempt.
  • The only absences that are considered excused for the purposes of this policy are for the following reasons:
    • Attendance at a school approved function (athletics, club trips, etc)
    • Loss of immediate family or guardian
  • Early dismissals or late arrivals, excused or unexcused, will count as a half day towards the total of 4.5 (athletics and other school-approved dismissals will not count against the student).
  • Tardy to school will be handled via discipline.


Students are responsible for all work missed during their absences.  There may be no withholding of grades unless the student, after given an opportunity to make up the work, fails to do so.

When the student returns to school, the teacher and student shall meet to establish procedures for make-up of school assignments.  A student shall have two (2) days to make up missed work.  Any exception to this time frame for extenuating circumstances must be approved by the principal and classroom teacher.

An extended excused absence due to illness may require homebound instruction or special provisions arranged by the Principal and faculty to accommodate a student in keeping up with assignments.



If a student needs to be excused for a medical or other appointment, he/she shall request permission from the Main office the morning of the day of dismissal. The student will be given an early dismissal slip stating the date, time and reason for the dismissal. Early dismissals will only be given to students who have a WRITTEN excuse from home or doctor’s appointment card.

Before leaving the building and before returning to class, students must sign out in the Main office.  Failure to do so will result in the student being unexcused. If a student signs out without permission from the office, he/she will be counted truant.



Students tardy to school shall report to the main office to receive a slip admitting them to class.  Tardy students must sign-in at the Main office. Tardiness is only excused for those reasons stated in the county attendance guidelines. Oversleeping and missing the school bus are not excuses.  Five or more tardies to school each year will result in disciplinary action.



In order to participate in sports, a student must maintain a 2.0 average and meet other state and local requirements.  Each participant must meet the requirements of the school and coaches in each activity. Students that are absent from school the day of a practice or competition are not permitted to participate on that day.  Additionally, students serving an out-of-school suspension will not be permitted to attend practice or a competition on the day(s) of the suspension.





Any change in address, telephone number, etc. must be reported to the office immediately for our records and communication purposes.



Parents are encouraged to actively participate in their child’s education by working cooperatively with school officials to ensure a positive learning environment.  Parents are asked to support the Safe Schools Act, the Student Code of Conduct and school rules. For further information, please refer to Marshall County Schools Expected Behavior in Safe and Supportive Schools Policy online at



The Marshall County Board of Education assigns iPads and textbooks to students.  Students are responsible for safeguarding these iPads and textbooks and will be expected to pay for any iPads or books that are lost, stolen or damaged.  In the event an iPad or textbook was paid for and then found, the payment will be refunded.



Students who become ill during the day will report to the nurse (or main office if the nurse is not available) with permission from the classroom teacher.  Do not go to the nurse between classes.  If the student needs to go home, a parent/guardian or emergency number will be contacted for permission.  Once a student is released to go home, he/she must have a slip stating that he/she is to go home and must sign out in the main office.

Non-prescription medications such as aspirin, Tylenol, or Pepto Bismol, will NOT be administered by any school employee.

If an accident should occur, it must be reported at once to the teacher in charge and the proper school personnel notified with an accident report properly completed.



Use of unlawful drugs and alcohol is a serious societal problem resulting from factors present in the community.  The use of chemicals and other substances inhibits the achievement of the overall goals of the school system.  The medical, physical and emotional problems created by dependency on chemical substances interfere with the learning development and safety of students.  The schools of Marshall County work cooperatively with the home, local agencies and community members, as well as groups and businesses to create a school environment free of chemical use, abuse and dependency.



Valuable hints for becoming more knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of drug use:

Identification with Drug Culture

  • Drug-related magazines and/or slogans on clothing
  • Conversation and jokes that are preoccupied with drugs
  • Hostility in discussing drugs

Dramatic Changes in School Performance

  • Distinct downward turns in student’s grades
  • Increased absenteeism or tardiness

Changes in Behavior

  • Chronic dishonesty (lying, stealing or cheating)
  • Trouble with police
  • Changes in friends, evasiveness in talking about new ones
  • Possession of large amounts of money
  • Increasing and inappropriate anger, hostility, irritability, secretiveness
  • Reduced motivation, energy, self-discipline, self-esteem
  • Diminished interest in extra-curricular activities and hobbies



To help ensure that our students uphold the Trojan Values of being respectful, responsible, and safe we encourage students to dress in a way that reflects good taste and a style appropriate for a school day.  We ask all students to follow these guidelines:

  • Tops must cover the armpits, chest, and torso at all times with opaque material. When standing up, tops must touch the pants, skirt, or shorts. No cut-out tank tops or bare midriffs
  • Tops must cover the shoulders or have shoulder straps at some point. Clothing items such as backless and halter tops are permitted only when worn as a layering piece underneath a sweater or other shirt that covers the torso.
  • Pants, skirts, and shorts must completely cover the student’s buttocks and groin. Students must be able to comfortably sit at a desk or on the floor, bend down, and reach up without exposing their buttocks or undergarments.
  • Undergarments must not be visible.
  • No hats, caps, beanies, or bandanas may be worn. Hooded sweatshirts are acceptable; however, students may not wear the hoods on their heads.
  • No sunglasses are to be worn unless prescribed by a doctor due to a concussion or other medical issue.
  • Footwear must be worn at all times. All footwear must have soles.
  • No costumes, onesie pajamas, or full-body spandex suits
  • No student shall be permitted to have accessories or personal products, wear clothing, have a haircut, or have anything written or drawn on the skin that refers to alcoholic beverages, nicotine/tobacco products, sexual references, profanity, illegal drugs, gangs, weapons, and/or derogatory messages related to race/ethnic groups or gender.
  • Backpacks, cell phones, earbuds/headphones, and other personal electronic devices will be kept in lockers.
  • Drawstring/sling bags are allowed to be carried in the school throughout the school day
  • The school administration reserves the right to make the final determination as to the appropriateness of a student’s clothing at any time.


Prohibited Items

  • Cell phones, handheld devices (iPod, gaming system, etc.) headphones, earbuds, portable speakers, and backpacks are not to be carried throughout the school day.  Students must keep these items in their lockers during the school day.
  • A draw string bag can be carried throughout the school day.
    • 1st Offense – Confiscation of device and 5 days Lunch Detention. Student can pick up item at the end of day.
    • 2nd Offense – Confiscation of device and 5 days lunch Detention. Parents must pick up item after school.
  • Students may not have chewing gum at school.
  • Only water is permissible in class, as are Grab n’ Go breakfasts from the cafeteria if a student arrives to school after 7:50 am; all other food and drinks are prohibited from classrooms and hallways.
  • Snacks and weekend food bags from the school food pantry are not to be eaten at school or on school buses.



Possession and use of Tobacco and Nicotine Substances are prohibited on school property and during school functions.

  • 1st Offense – Students will be assigned 5 days of Out-of-School Suspension and a juvenile referral will be made by the school resource officer.
  • 2nd Offense – Students will be assigned 5 days of Out-of-School Suspension, a juvenile referral will be made by the school resource officer, and the student will be required to participate in a cessation program.



Students will demonstrate the Trojan Values of being respectful, responsible and safe at all times.  They will use appropriate language; keep their hands, feet and all objects to themselves; walk the correct way in the hallways; be prepared to learn for each class; have their iPads; follow the directives of all staff members; and follow all other school rules and policies.  Students will refrain conducting themselves in a disorderly manner, bullying or harassing others, or creating an unsafe atmosphere.


Progressive Discipline

Moundsville Middle School practices progressive discipline and utilizes evidence-based supports to reduce and mitigate inappropriate behaviors.  Any violation of school rules will lead to more significant consequences if the violation is a repeated, continued, or habitual behavior.


Harassment, Bullying, and Potentially Dangerous Behavior

Moundsville Middle School does not tolerate behaviors that are potentially dangerous, including assaults, threats, and harassment.  Students are subject to immediate removal from Moundsville Middle School for these violations.


Extra-curriculars and Athletics

Students who have been suspended will miss the next sporting/extra-curricular/club event and could potentially be removed from the team or club permanently. Such students may also be disqualified from PBIS rewards and potentially future field trips depending on the severity of the situation.



All students enrolled in West Virginia public schools shall behave in a manner that promotes a school environment that is nurturing, orderly, safe and conducive to learning and personal-social development.

  1. Students will help create an atmosphere free from bullying, intimidation and harassment.
  2. Students will demonstrate honesty and trustworthiness.
  3. Students will treat others with respect, deal peacefully with anger, use good manners and be considerate of the feelings of others.
  4. Students will demonstrate responsibility, use self-control and be self-disciplined.
  5. Students will demonstrate fairness, play by the rules, and will not take advantage of others.
  6. Students will demonstrate compassion and caring.
  7. Students will demonstrate good citizenship by obeying laws and rules, respecting authority, and by cooperating with others.